Thursday, January 21, 2010

What to Expect...

As we are moving forward with the exchange process we want to keep you updated as to what you can expect as the process unfolds. So here is the information break down…

Agency Contact
- Your agency will be contacted as your time to engage in the exchange draws near.
- Your agency will be contacted with 2-3 weeks advanced notice to schedule training through HACC.

- Training provided by HACC
- Lasts approximately 2-2.5 hours
- Training radios provided for the class
- Conducted locally
- Super User’s Seminar to be held towards the end of exchange
- Harris battery management training to be offered in the middle of this projectAgency Visits-

Agency Visits-The Numbers
- 69 Agencies (40 Fire, 17 Law Enforcement, 12 EMS)
- 1,506 Portables
- 819 Portable Charger Install/Replacements
- 675 Mobiles and 26 Control Stations Reprogramming

Agency Visits- Who to Expect
- Harris: Reprogramming of mobiles/control stations and removal and installation of portable chargers
- Kimball: Managing warehouse, preparation and portable exchange
- Cumberland County DPS: Assisting in the exchange and activation of new portables

Agency Visits- What to Expect
- Agency visits and the actual exchange should occur about two weeks after you recieve your training.
- Teams comprised of Harris, Kimball and DPS representatives will be on hand to work through this project.
- You should have 1-2 agency representatives on hand the day of the exchange.
- All equipment that is to be exchanged and reprogrammed should be present on your scheduled day. Any equipment that cannot be located by the end of the county wide exchange will be removed from the system and will not be replaced.
- A DPS representative will be visiting or calling your agency the day of your exchange to make sure everything is running smoothly. A representative will also call in the weeks following the exchange to make sure everything is functioning properly.

Site and Radio Re-tuning
- Site re-tuning will occur at the completion of the exchange process. Technicians will visit tower sites and remove the old frequencies from the site and enter the new frequencies issued to Cumberland County through the band reconfiguration. Radio users will not be impacted by this process.
- A “2nd Touch” will occur at a later date as well. The “2nd Touch” involves removing the old frequencies from the P7200 series portables. This step will not occur this year and will most likely been seen in 2011.

800 Radio Quality Assurance Program
- DPS is committed to renewing communications between our office and radio users. We want to work with you to address any issues that may occur during the exchange process and any problems that occur with the system after the radios are released.
- Megan Silverstrim is now serving as the point of contact for the 800 MHz radio program. Please contact Megan with any questions or problems.
Megan Silverstrim

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