Friday, March 26, 2010
What do you think?
Progress Maps...
-Completed (Portable exchange is complete and all installs and software upgrades have been completed. A municipality will be considered completed when all services (not including law enforcement) that primarily serve municipality have been completed.)
-In Process (Harris and DPS are actively engaged in the exchange process. A municipality can be changed to “In Process” if any service within that municipality is engaged in the exchange process.)
-Training Scheduled (Portable training dates have been scheduled and tentative dates for exchange are set.)
-Pending (Portable training exchange process has yet to begin. No department or agency is engaged in the exchange process.)
*Not able to be reflected in the map: West Shore EMS portable exchange and mobile upgrades were completed.
Law Enforcement Map Key
-Completed (Portable exchange is complete and all installs and software upgrades have been completed.)
-In Process (Harris and DPS are actively engaged in the exchange process.)
-Training Scheduled (The training has been scheduled and tentative exchanged dates are set.)
-Pending (Portable training and exchange process has yet to begin. No department or agency is engaged in the exchange process.)*The exchange process does no effect municipalities without color, as they do not have municipal police departments.
Monday, March 22, 2010
A look at the numbers as of 3/22/2010
Mobile/VTAC Radios Reprogrammed: 113 of 883
Control Stations Reprogrammed: 20 of 61
Progress Maps
Law Enforcement Map Key
-Completed (Portable exchange is complete and all installs and software upgrades have been completed.)
-In Process (Harris and DPS are actively engaged in the exchange process.)
-Training Scheduled (The training has been scheduled and tentative exchanged dates are set.)
-Pending (Portable training and exchange process has yet to begin. No department or agency is engaged in the exchange process.)*The exchange process does no effect municipalities without color, as they do not have municipal police departments.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Emergency Button Focus Group
Monday, March 15, 2010
A look at the numbers...
295 of 1,506
Mobile/VTAC Radios Reprogrammed to Date:
116 of 883
Control Stations Reprogrammed to Date:
18 of 61
Keeping Pace...
If you do not respond to the HACC representatives in timely fashion to schedule your training, DPS may shift your agency to the end of the project schedule, as it is imperative that we stay on schedule with this project and do not want to delay the delivery of portables to other agencies. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, and again encourage you to promptly respond when contacted for training.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Progress Report
Fire/EMS/Other Map Key
-Completed (Portable exchange is complete and all installs and software upgrades have been completed. A municipality will be considered completed when all services (not including law enforcement) that primarily serve municipality have been completed.)
-In Process (Harris and DPS are actively engaged in the exchange process. A municipality can be changed to “In Process” if any service within that municipality is engaged in the exchange process.)
-Training Scheduled (Portable training dates have been scheduled and tentative dates for exchange are set.)
-Pending (Portable training exchange process has yet to begin. No department or agency is engaged in the exchange process.)
*Not able to be reflected in the map: West Shore EMS portable exchange was completed.
Law Enforcement Map Key
-Completed (Portable exchange is complete and all installs and software upgrades have been completed.)
-In Process (Harris and DPS are actively engaged in the exchange process.)
-Training Scheduled (The training has been scheduled and tentative exchanged dates are set.)
-Pending (Portable training and exchange process has yet to begin. No department or agency is engaged in the exchange process.)*The exchange process does no effect municipalities without color, as they do not have municipal police departments.
Monday, March 8, 2010
What do you think?
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Project Status
-Training Scheduled (Portable training dates have been scheduled and tentative dates for exchange are set.)
-Pending (Portable training exchange process has yet to begin. No department or agency is engaged in the exchange process.)
-In Process (Harris and DPS are actively engaged in the exchange process.)
-Scheduled (The training has been scheduled and tentative exchanged dates are set.)
-Pending (Portable training and exchange process has yet to begin. No department or agency is engaged in the exchange process.)
*The exchange process does no effect municipalities without color, as they do not have municipal police departments.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Dauphin County
DPS is working to address similar concerns in other counties as others are moving to new radio systems.
The Word of the Day is....Interoperability!!!!
Soon all portables and mobiles in the County will have Global 1, Global 2 and Commonwealth InterOps profiles in their radios, making this interoperability for major events readily available to all responders, as state agencies also possess these profiles! DPS is in the process of working on policy and procedure with The Commonwealth of PA to implement the three profiles in all Cumberland radios. A simple change in profile and you will be able to easily communicate with the state agencies you may be working with!
Cumberland County is the only county in the state that has the ability to directly communicate with the state like this! Other counties require special equipment or patches to do so.
What do you think?