Friday, February 26, 2010


Fire/EMS/Other Map Key
-Completed (Portable exchange is complete and all installs and software upgrades have been completed. A municipality will be considered completed when all services (not including law enforcement) that primarily serve municipality have been completed.)
-In Process (Harris and DPS are actively engaged in the exchange process. A municipality can be changed to “In Process” if any service within that municipality is engaged in the exchange process.)
-Training Scheduled (Portable training dates have been scheduled and tentative dates for exchange are set.)
-Pending (Portable training exchange process has yet to begin. No department or agency is engaged in the exchange process.)

Law Enforcement Map Key
-Completed (Portable exchange is complete and all installs and software upgrades have been completed.)
-In Process (Harris and DPS are actively engaged in the exchange process.)
-Scheduled (The training has been scheduled and tentative exchanged dates are set.)
-Pending (Portable training and exchange process has yet to begin. No department or agency is engaged in the exchange process.)
*The exchange process does no effect municipalities without color, as they do not have municipal police departments.

Friday, February 19, 2010

West Shore EMS Staff Training Dates

February 23, 2010
1930-2200 hrs
West End Fire and Rescue
49 Lurgan Ave

February 25, 2010
1930-2200 hrs
West End Fire and Rescue
49 Lurgan Ave

March 1, 2010
0730-1000 hrs
Holy Spirit Hospital
Classroom 1 (basement below auditorium)
503 N. 21st St
Camp Hill

March 2, 2010
0730-1000 hrs
Hampden Township Fire
Station #1
1200 Good Hope Road

March 2, 2010
1930-2200 hrs
Citizens Fire Company
100 Chestnut Street
Mt. Holly Springs

March 3, 2010
0730-1000 hrs
Cumberland County EOC
1101 Claremont Road

March 4, 2010
0730-1000 hrs
Hampden Township Fire
Station #1
1200 Good Hope

March 4, 2010
Holy Spirit
Auditorium C/D
503 N. 21st St
Camp Hill

Training Dates

Middlesex Township
Middlesex Township Building
February 24, 2010
0900 hrs

New Cumberland Police Department
February 25, 2010
1900 hrs

West Shore Bureau of Fire
March 3, 2010
1900 hrs

York Springs
March 6, 2010
0900 hrs

New Cumberland Fire Department
March 9, 2010
1900 hrs

West Shore Police Department
March 15, 2010
0700 hrs
March 15, 2010
1400 hrs

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Project Update

Fire/EMS/Other Map Key

-Completed (Portable exchange is complete and all installs and software upgrades have been completed. A municipality will be considered completed when all services (not including law enforcement) that primarily serve municipality have been completed.)
-In Process (Harris and DPS are actively engaged in the exchange process. A municipality can be changed to “In Process” if any service within that municipality is engaged in the exchange process.)
-Training Scheduled (Portable training dates have been scheduled and tentative dates for exchange are set.)
-Pending (Portable training exchange process has yet to begin. No department or agency is engaged in the exchange process.)

Law Enforcement Map Key

-Completed (Portable exchange is complete and all installs and software upgrades have been completed.)
-In Process (Harris and DPS are actively engaged in the exchange process.)
-Scheduled (The training has been scheduled and tentative exchanged dates are set.)
-Pending (Portable training and exchange process has yet to begin. No department or agency is engaged in the exchange process.)
*The exchange process does no effect municipalities without color, as they do not have municipal police departments.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Progress Maps

Fire/EMS/Other Map Key
-Completed (Portable exchange is complete and all installs and software upgrades have been completed. A municipality will be considered completed when all services (not including law enforcement) that primarily serve municipality have been completed.)

-In Process (Harris and DPS are actively engaged in the exchange process. A municipality can be changed to “In Process” if any service within that municipality is engaged in the exchange process.)

-Training Scheduled (Portable training dates have been scheduled and tentative dates for exchange are set.)

-Pending (Portable training exchange process has yet to begin. No department or agency is engaged in the exchange process.)

Law Enforcement Map Key
-Completed (Portable exchange is complete and all installs and software upgrades have been completed.)

-In Process (Harris and DPS are actively engaged in the exchange process.)

-Scheduled (The training has been scheduled and tentative exchanged dates are set.)

-Pending (Portable training and exchange process has yet to begin. No department or agency is engaged in the exchange process.)

-The exchange process does no effect municipalities without color, as they do not have municipal police departments.

Training Date

New Cumberland Police Department 800 Radio Training

February 25, 2010

New Cumberland PD


Thursday, February 4, 2010


Push to Talk (PTT's) Report for 2009
*Other includes Agency Talk Groups, DPS, County Agencies, and Municipal